Visits & Open Days
Visits & Open Days
Please contact Mrs Teresa Hanks, Head of Admissions, who will arrange a visit for you and help you negotiate your way through the Admissions process. She can be contacted by email or telephone 024 7645 5031.
The Head will normally meet with you and show you around the school. Additionally, all prospective pupils and parents are welcome to attend our Open Days listed on the school website.
After your visit, please complete an Application Form, which can be obtained from Mrs Hanks or downloaded from the website.
If you would like a printed copy of our Prospectus, complete the form on the website and email it to Mrs Hanks.
Taster Days
We like to know that our pupils are happy at our school and so we welcome them to ‘taster days’ before joining the school, so that they can work with their prospective classmates and get to know the school before they actually start full-time. This can be arranged at any time through our Admissions Registrar, Mrs Teresa Hanks by email or telephone 024 7645 5031.
Nursery and Reception pupils will usually be invited to spend a morning at the school, with parents staying alongside their children, if they so wish.
In the Junior and Senior Schools, pupils will come and spend a day, or longer, with the class of the appropriate age group and join in class activities.
Following a visit, if parents wish to enrol their child(ren), and the school feels that the prospective pupil would benefit from being at Pattison, an Offer Letter will be sent to the parents by the Head.
Once offered, a place is secured on completion of the Enrolment Form and payment of the deposit.