
Key Stage 1

Using the Abacus Evolve scheme enables children to develop their confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value.  The children enjoy practical activities followed by workbook based tasks to complete.

The programme of study includes number, place value, the four operations, fractions, measurement and geometry.

Children are set one piece of maths homework each week.

Key Stage 2 Years 3 & 4

Practical maths plays a major part in years 3 & 4, with games and fun activities as well as appropriate manipulatives based on the topic being studied.  Units include: – Place Value, Addition & Subtraction, Division and Multiplication, Fractions, Data Handling and Measurement.

Children are also engaged in learning and memorising tables up to 12 and are set morning tasks two to three times a week to review and practise skills they have learned.

The NFER papers are administered twice yearly to assess progress and aid in planning an effective and robust curriculum.

Key Stage 2 Years 5 & 6

The Abacus scheme is used with the support of ‘Target Maths’ and CGP Work Books.

The timetable includes:

5 x 1 hour sessions
2 x 20 minute mental arithmetic sessions
1 times tables test per week

Teacher assistant support is provided for small groups on a daily basis.

Senior School Mathematics Key Stage 3 and 4

All classes are mixed ability and a range of methods are employed to ensure measured progress. It is important that students can access a topic at a level which promotes interest, progress and enjoyment; small class sizes allow this to function well.


All students follow the National Curriculum at Key stage 3 which allows them to explore the areas of Number, Measures, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry, Probability and Statistics. Questioning, discussion and tasks are pitched at a variety of levels to ensure the challenge level is appropriate for individuals.

We use a variety of texts, ICT, demonstration and experiment which allow students to meet and fully explore the objectives of the National Curriculum.

Calculators are required in all lessons but used appropriately; there is an emphasis on students being familiar and confident performing both everyday and more complex calculations with and without it. The Casio FX85, or similar, is the preferred model and is available from school for purchase.

At Key Stage 4 students follow the Pearson Edexcel GCSE at either Foundation or Higher Level. This is a demanding course which tests understanding across the curriculum, including the use of multi step questions where students need to use different areas of the subject to solve problems while also communicating that understanding appropriately. Grades are assessed from 1 to 9 (highest) and final assessment is through three end of course examinations.

Every pupil in school has the opportunity to take part in the UK Maths Challenge. This is a national Mathematics competition aimed at the top third of the ability range. We have regular successes at Junior and Intermediate Level, including Gold Certificate achievements, while also enhancing understanding and method in our normal day to day study of the subject.

Our outcomes at G.C.S.E. are at or above target grades for students and those that have a particular strength in the subject go on to Advanced Level Mathematics at other institutions.


The ability of pupils and their desire to study Mathematics will always vary from pupil to pupil but our aim is to improve the confidence of all students, demonstrate the everyday importance of the subject in our society, and show how fun and clever it can be. We want all students to perform to their very best in this subject and we are always flexible in our approach to achieving this.