
Nine Lessons and Carols
n Nine Lessons and Carols Last night we welcomed parents to our Carol Service at Stoke St Michael’s Church. We thought we would be having carols

Tinsel and Tea Towels
n Tinsel and Tea Towels It has not all been Dickens this week. The Prep school pupils (again, congratulations to Mrs Hjelvik et al) performed

A Christmas Carol
n A Christmas Carol Dickens’s A Christmas Carol has been very much to the forefront in the last week. It has been a GCSE set

Miss Monique
n Monique Stokes It is with great sadness that we learnt today of the sudden death of Monique Stokes (Miss Monique to so many people

Arts Evening
n Arts Evening On Thursday evening we had our first Arts Evening of the year. Pupils who take private music or LAMDA lessons performed magnificently,

‘In search of George Eliot’
n In search of George Eliot On Tuesday 8th November Year 7, accompanied by Ms Jarrett and Mr Bath, went on a trip to Nuneaton.